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Tag Indian Gaming League

How to Earn Money from Esports

Introduction Esports, or electronic sports, have become a global phenomenon in recent years. With millions of fans and professional players around the world, the esports industry has grown into a lucrative market. If you’re passionate about gaming and want to…

How to Become a Successful Esports Player

So you dream of esports glory? The thrill of competition, the roar of the crowd (or the intense headphone hum), and the satisfaction of outplaying your opponents. The path to esports success, however, isn’t just about fast reflexes and killer…

The Rapid Growth of Esports in India

Esports, or electronic sports, is a rapidly growing industry that has gained immense popularity worldwide. In recent years, India has emerged as a significant player in the esports scene, with a growing number of players, teams, and tournaments. This article…

The Evolution of Esports in India

a person using a computer mouse on a desk

Esports, or competitive video gaming, has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity worldwide in recent years. India, with its large population of tech-savvy youth, has not been immune to this phenomenon. The development of esports in India has been a…